The useful and important reference books together with the name of Publishers are listed below to enable the students to have guidance and supplement their knowledge.
        Principles & Practice of Management by Dr.L.M.Prasad - Sultan Chand & Sons
        Principles of Management by pagare & Dinkar-Sultan Chand & Sons
        Management - Theory & Practice by Dr. C.B. Gupta - Sultan Chand & Co.
        Management by Hampton - Tata McGraw Hill
        Principles and Practice of Management by Tripathi - Tata McGraw Hill
        Management : Theory & Practice by J.S.Chandra - Vikas Publications
            Organisational Behaviour by Robbins Stephen P. (Prentice Hall International, Inc. Eaglewood Cliffs)
            The Psychology of Personnel by Beaumont Henry. (New York, Longmans Great)
            Human Behaviour at Work by K. Davis. (Tata McGraw Hill)
            Organisation: Theory and Behaviour by N.S. Gupta. (Himalaya Publishing House)
            Management & Organisational Behaviour by L. Mullins.
            Organisation Behaviour by J.D. Agarwal.
            Organisational Behaviour by S.P. Robbins. by J. Kelly.
            Organisational Behaviour & Personnel Psychology by K.N. Wexley.
                Quality Planning and Analysis by J.M. Juran and Frank M. Gryna. (Tata McGraw Hill)
                Total Quality Management - Text & Cases by Ross.Essence of Total Quality Management by J. Bank.
                  MANAGERIAL ECONOMICS
                    Managerial Economic - Habibour Rahman. (Himalaya Publishing House)
                    A Study of Managerial Economics - D. Gopalakrishnan. (Himalaya Publishing House)
                    Indian Economy - K.P.M. Sundaram. (Sultan Chand & Sons)
                    Managerial Economics - Varshney & Maheswari. (Sultan Chand & Sons)
                    Managerial Economics - Moti Paul S. Gupta.
                    Managerial Economics by M. Adhikary.
                    Managerial Economics by J. Dean.
                    Managerial Economics - Text Problem & Short Cases by K.K. Seo.
                    Fundamentals of Managerial Economics by Ehirschey
                        Office Organisation & Managementby C.B. Gupta.(Sultan Chand & Sons)
                        Office Management by R.K. Chopra.(Himalaya Publishing House)
                        Office Management by Dr. M.M. Varma & Dr. R.K. Agarwal.(Forward Book Depot)
                        Textbook of Office Management by V.S.P. Rao.
                          SALES & DISTRIBUTION MANAGEMENT
                            Salesmanship & Publicity by R.S. Davar.
                            Sales Management - Decision Strategies & Cases by R.R. Still.
                            Principles of Marketing & Salesmanship by J.C. Sinha.
                            Marketing & Sales Management by K.R. Balan.
                            Salesmanship & Sales Management by P.K. Sahu.
                            The Art of Sales Management by L.J. Ades.
                              Advertising Management by D.A. Aaker.
                              Advertising & Public Relations by B.N. Ahuja.
                              Advertising Management : Concepts & Cases by M. Mohan.
                              Advertising by J.S. Wright.
                                FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT (BASIC)
                                Financial Management by S.K.R. Paul. (New Central Book Agency, Calcutta)
                                Financial Management - Theory & Practice by Prasanna Chandra
                                (Tata-McGraw Hill Publishing Co., Ltd., New Delhi)
                                Financial Management by I.M. Pandey. (Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.)
                                Financial Management by S.C. Kuchhal. (Chaitanya Publishing House)
                                Financial Management - Text & Problems by M.V. Khan & P.K. Jain.
                                (Tata-McGraw Hill Publishing Co., Ltd., New Delhi)
                                Financial Management by V.K. Bhalla.
                                Fundamentals of Financial Management by J.C. Van Horne.
                                Essentials of Financial Management by I.M. Pandey.
                                Principles & Practice by Dr. S.N. Maheshwari> Sultan Chand & Sons
                                  FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT (ADVANCE)
                                    Financial Management by I.M. Pandey. (Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.,)
                                    Corporate Financial Policy by Guthmann and Dougall. (Prentice Hall)
                                    Financial Management by V.K. Bhalla.
                                    Essentials of Financial Management by I.M. Pandey.
                                      PRODUCTION & OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT
                                        Modern Production Management - E.S. Buffa.
                                        Production Planning - John L. Burbidge.
                                        Production Control - John E. Biegel.
                                        Operations Management - Barry Shore
                                        Production Management - Broom
                                        Production Management by Martin K. Starr. (Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.,)
                                        Production Management - Bunga and Sharma.
                                        Production & Operations Management by E.E. Adam.
                                        Production & Operations Managment by S.N. Chary.
                                          LABOUR WELFARE
                                            Labour Welfare, Trade Unionism and Industrial Relations by Punekar S.D. (Asia Publishing House, Bombay)
                                            Aspects of Labour Welfare & Social Security by A.M. Sharma. (Himalaya Publication)
                                            Labour Problems In Indian Industry by V.V. Giri. (Asia Publishing House, Bombay)
                                              PUBLIC RELATIONS
                                                Public Relations by B.N. Ahuja
                                                Public Relations : Principles Cases & Problems by H.F. Moore.
                                                  MARKETING MANAGEMENT
                                                    Marketing Management - Analysis, Planning, Implementation and Control by Philip Kotler.
                                                    (Prentice Hall of India)
                                                    Marketing Management by Dr. M.M. Varma & R.K. Agarwal. (Forward Publishing Company)
                                                    Marketing Management by R.S. Davar. (Progressive Publications)
                                                    Marketing Management - Neelamegam.
                                                    Principles and Practice of Marketing - Joshi.
                                                    Strategic Marketing Management - Concepts & Cases by Rakesh Khurana & A.N. Ravichandra.
                                                    (Global Business Press)
                                                    Modern Marketing by S.A. Sherlekar.
                                                    Essentials of Marketing by McCarthy E. Jerome.
                                                    Basic Marketing : Principles & Practice : by T. Cannon.
                                                      ADMINISTRATIVE LAW
                                                        Case book of Administrative Law by M.C.J. Kagzi.
                                                        Administrative Law by H.W.R. Wade.
                                                          INDUSTRIAL LAW
                                                            Handbook to Companies Act. (Taxmann' Allied Services (P) Ltd.,)
                                                            Company Law by Ashok K. Bagrial. (Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.,)
                                                            Industrial Law by K.R. Bulchandani. (Himalaya Publishing House.)
                                                            Industrial Law by R.P. Maheswari.
                                                              MARKET RESEARCH
                                                                Market Research Text and Cases by Boyd, Westfall & Star - Richard D. Irwin, Illinois.
                                                                Marketing Research - David J. Luck, Hugh, G. Wales and Donald A. Taylor and Ronald S. Rubin.
                                                                (Prentice Hall of India)
                                                                Essence of Marketing Research by P.M. Chisnall.
                                                                Marketing Research by G.C. Beri.
                                                                  MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING
                                                                    Principles of Management Accounting by Man Mohan and S.N. Goyal. (Arya Sahitya Bhawan)
                                                                    Accounting for Management Control - An Introduction by C.T. Hornhren. (Prentice Hall)
                                                                    Management Accounting in Practice - De Paule. (Pitman, London)
                                                                    Management Accounting by Maheswari and Maheswari.
                                                                    Cost and Management Accounting - P.V. Rathnam.
                                                                    Practice of Management Accounting by K.S. Sastry.
                                                                    Management Accounting by B. Murao.
                                                                    Essence of Management Accounting by L. Chadwick.
                                                                    Introduction to Management Accounting by C.T. Horngren.
                                                                    Advance Management Accounting by R.S. Kaplan.
                                                                    Management Accounting by I.M. Pandey.
                                                                    Essentials of Management Accounting by I.M. Pandey.
                                                                      INDIAN FINANCIAL SYSTEMS
                                                                        Introduction to Investments by Christy G.A. and Elenderin.
                                                                        Corporate Financial Disclosure by Benston G.J.
                                                                        Institutional Investments by Goldsmith.
                                                                        Statistical Survey of the Indian Economy, (The Economic Times (Ed)
                                                                        Indian Financial Management by M.Y.Khan (Tata Mc.Graw-Hill)
                                                                          PRINCIPLES OF QUALITY CONTROL & RELIABILITY
                                                                            Quality Control and Application by Bertrand L. Hansen & Prabhakar M. Ghare.
                                                                            (Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.,)
                                                                            Statistical Quality Control by Manohar Mahajan. (Dhanpat Rai & Sons)
                                                                            Quality Planning & Analysis by J.M. Juran and Frank M. Gryna. (Tata McGraw Hill)
                                                                            Statistical Quality ControL - E.L. Grant.
                                                                            Industrial Statistics and Quality Control - Duncan.
                                                                              I.S.O. - 9000
                                                                                ISO 9000 Concepts, Methods and Implementation by Tapan P. Bagchi.
                                                                                ISO 9000 - Brian Rothery
                                                                                A Guide to ISO 9000 Registration by P.K. Rao.
                                                                                Quality System : ISO 9000 by S. Dalela.
                                                                                  QUALITY ASSURANCE
                                                                                    Quality Control and Application by Bertrand L. Hansen, Prabhakar M. Ghare. (Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.)
                                                                                    Statistical Quality Control by Manohar Mahajan. (Dhanpat Rai & Sons)
                                                                                    Quality Planning and Analysis by J.M. Juran and Frank M. Gyrna. (Tata McGraw-Hill)
                                                                                    Quality Assurance through ISO 9000 by H.D. Gupta
                                                                                      STATISTICAL QUALITY CONTROL
                                                                                        Quality Control and Application by Bertrand L. Hansen, Prabhakar M. Ghare. (Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.,)
                                                                                        Statistical Quality Control by Manohar Mahajan. (Dhanpat Rai & Sons)
                                                                                        Quality Planning and Analysis by J.M. Juran and Frank M. Gyrna. (Tata McGraw-Hill)
                                                                                        Statistical Quality Control - E.L. Grant.
                                                                                        Industrial Statistics and Quality Control - Duncan.
                                                                                          QUANTITATIVE TECHNIQUE IN BUSINESS
                                                                                            Quantitative Technique for Business Decisions - Lawrance Lapin.
                                                                                            Quantitative Technique in Management by N.D. Vohra.
                                                                                            Quantitative Technique by C.R. Kothari.
                                                                                            Quantitative Technique by T. Lucey.
                                                                                              STORES & MATERIAL MANAGEMENT
                                                                                                Materials Management - A.K. Dutta.
                                                                                                Materials Management and Purchasing by Dean S. Ammer. (Taraporevala Publications)
                                                                                                Management of Materials by B.K. Roy Chowdhury. (S. Chand & Sons)
                                                                                                Integrated Materials Management by A.K. Datta. (S. Chand & Sons)
                                                                                                Materials Management by A. Deb.
                                                                                                Handbook of Materials Management by Gopalakrishna
                                                                                                Materials Management : An Integrated Approach by Gopalakrishnan.
                                                                                                Purchasing & Material Management by Gopalakrishnan.
                                                                                                  PURCHASING MANAGEMENT
                                                                                                    Purchasing and Material Management by Lee and Dobler. (McGraw Hill Publications)
                                                                                                    Materials Management : An Integrated approach by P. Gopalakrishnan and Sundaresan.
                                                                                                    (Prentice Hall of India)
                                                                                                    Purchasing and Inventory Control by K.S. Menon. (Wheeler Publishing)
                                                                                                    Purchasing & Materials Management by Gopalakrishnan.
                                                                                                      INVENTORY MANAGEMENT
                                                                                                        Production, Planning & Inventory Control. (Magee and Boodman)
                                                                                                        Inventory Management by Gopalakrishnan. (Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.,)
                                                                                                        Inventory Management by Martin K. Starr and Miller. (Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.,)
                                                                                                        Purchasing and Inventory Control by K.S. Menon. (Wheeler Publishing)
                                                                                                        Inventory Control : Theory & Practice by M.K. Starr.
                                                                                                          INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS & LEGISLATIONS
                                                                                                            Labour Policy and Industrial Relations in India by Mathur A.P. (Asia Publishing House)
                                                                                                            Industrial Relations in India by Myers C.A. and Kannapan S. (Asia Publishing House)
                                                                                                            Labour Welfare, Trade Unionism and Industrial Relations by S.D. Punekar. (Asia Publishing House)
                                                                                                            Industrial Relations - Conceptual and Legal Framework by A.M. Sarma. (Himalaya Publishing House)
                                                                                                            Personnel Management & Industrial Relations by Tripathi. (Sultan Chand & Sons)
                                                                                                            Personnel Management & Industrial Relations by Biswanath Ghosh. (The World Press Pvt. Ltd.,)
                                                                                                              PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT
                                                                                                                Management Tasks, Responsibilities and Practices by Drucker Peter. F (Bombay Allied Publishers)
                                                                                                                Principles of Personnel Management by Flippo Edwin B. (Tata McGraw Hill)
                                                                                                                Principles and Techniques of Personnel Management by Bhatia S.K.
                                                                                                                Personnel Management & Industrial Relations by Tripathi. (Sultan Chand & Sons)
                                                                                                                Personnel Management & Industrial Relations by Biswanath Ghosh. (The World Press Pvt. Ltd.,)
                                                                                                                Personnel Management by A. Monappa.
                                                                                                                  TRAINING METHODOLOGY & TRAINING EVALUATION
                                                                                                                    Training Manual for Managerial Development from I.L.O.
                                                                                                                    Manager & Training by Alan Mum Ford Pitman.
                                                                                                                    Manpower Planning & Training by Agarwal.
                                                                                                                    Training by Jinks Michael.
                                                                                                                        Professional Journalism by M.V. Kamath.